Afsaneh, Barn, Iran
The Bike, Liscombe, Nova Scotia
Anwar, Taftan, Baluchestan, Pakistan
Christmas Tree, Chile
Ganganna, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Carina, Lima, Peru
Anita, Ganja, Rajasthan, India
Chicken, Turkey
Arghavan, Gachsar, Iran
Danlakshmi, Aluroad, Andrah Pradesh, India
Dean, Igoumenitsa, Greece
Denise, Chiswick, NSW, Australia
Divided Plants, Rajasthan, India
Don and Dave, L'anse Aux Meadows, NF, Canada
Don, Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Fay, Chiswick, NSW, Australia
Flower Poster, Punjab, India
Giorgo, Newtown, NSW, Australia
Jetara, San1, Rajasthan, India
Holy Cow, Rajasthan, India
The Bike, Monkey Mia, WA, Australia
Anders, Playa Esterillios, Costa Rica
Ingvar, Playa Esterillos, Costa Rica
Hilde, Kossau, Germany
Jimenez, Palmer Norte, Costa Rica
Joni, Villa Arnengral, Chile
Justin, Barkley Roadhouse, NT, Australia
Keith, Ceduna, SA, Australia
Kip, Huntington, Indiana, USA
Leeanne and Wendell, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Leslie, Santiago, Chile
Marco, Lago Castor, Chile
Mary, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India
Maxi and Mark, Kingman, Arizona, USA
Miriam, Guatemala
Monica, Santiago, Chile
Palm Trees, WA, Australia
Pang, Atlantic Ocean
Planted Tree, Atlantic Ocean
Per with Tinker, Frazer, Colorado, USA
Stray Dog, Mexico - Guatemala Border
Rosa, Atuntaqui, Equador
Sheepdog, Germany
Tom with Brandy, Cape Lookout, Oregon, USA
Willy, Trout River NP, New Foundland, Canada
Betlapar, Borakana, India
Painted flower, California
Red Light, Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina
One spring day in 1994 I drove westwards on a motorcycle from my home town Göteborg, Sweden. 96220 kilometers and 746 days later I returned from the east to the same street. Thousands of encounters. Five continents. One wife. A beaten up bike. A restored self. A slice of a bigger picture, seen from a narrow path.
With an essay by the American author Paul Theroux, Chasing Summer was Published in 2004 by BirdPress. A few scarce copies remain. You can order them below.